Wanda Wesolowski, front-woman of eponymously named Wanda band, is the queer girl-next-door you wish you had, and the latest musical artist to have Huntsville’s ears perking up.
At just 25 years old, the 256 native has recently dominated the Huntsville music scene with the release of her debut album, One-Hit Wanda, a self-explanatory double entendre. She and her band – comprised of guitarist Jasen Tehan, keyboardist Bransen Edwards, drummer Nick Recio, and bassist Andrew Sharpe – got together in 2019, though Wanda has been gigging around Huntsville solo for the last ten years.
She got her start playing wherever she could – Bridge Street Town Centre, Diaper Drives, Panoply – and was well-received by her hometown.
So what made her form the Wanda band instead of just continuing on as Wanda?
Click the link below to find out!