Donate a new, unwrapped toy, for the kids at the Downtown Rescue Mission, we will give you the gift of laughter with a ticket to our comedy show featuring our very own, Casio (Matt Mitchell) on December 19th, at Stand-Up Live.
Give a toy, get some laughs, on December 19th, with Rocket 95.1 Comedy for Kids at Stand-Up Live!
Christmas Wish List for the Children of the Downtown Rescue Mission:
For the Girls:
- Ages 0-3: Black Baby Dolls
- Ages 4-6: Barbie Dolls (2/3 Black – 1/3 White) Barbie clothes
- Ages 7-9: Games
- Ages 10-13: Jewelry Making Kits, Nail Art Kit, LOL Dolls, Baby Alive Dolls
- Ages 13-16: Art Kits/Supplies
For the Boys:
- Ages 0-3: Baby Trucks
- Ages 4-6: Action Figures/Nurf Balls
- Ages 7-9: Games Erector Sets
- Ages 10-12: Books/Science Sets/Board Games
Also, Diapers(size 1-5) and formula/baby food are always a need for their transient kids.